| Date: Saturday, Feb 22, 2025


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Q.What is the latest version currently available ?

A. MS-DOS version 1.51b was released on 03MAR98 fixing a problem that caused errors for new installations, did not effect upgraders from previous versions.

        Also, A Windows version is currently in development.

Q.Can I Use TTY INTERFACE and a modem to communicate with another person using a TDD machine ?

A.. MAYBE, while TTY INTERFACE was originally designed to use a computers serial COM ports and not a modem, it may be capable of this function.  TTY INTERFACE and TDD machines do share the same language (ITA-2) Baudot.  While it is relatively untested, I have started to incorporate TDD/modem functionality into the program.  If you would like to try this, please email me for detailed instructions.

Q.Why does the VERSION HISTORY PAGE show a version newer than the one available for download ?

A.. The TTY-HELP.TXT and TTY-INFO.TXT files available on the website indicate the status of changes currently being added to the next version. If you'd like a pre-release, just ask.


A. MS-DOS Version 1.47b added this feature. The program will now generate a TOR for the RECEIVER and PARTITION portions of the program. While the default setting is for this to be ON (Yes), you may need to turn it OFF to remain fully compatible with external programs such as MDU.

BAUDOT (ITA-2) CODE EXPLAINED… ================================
Binary Decimal  LTRS FIGS
00000        0  BLANK BLANK
00001        1  E     3
00010        2  LF    LF
00011        3  A     -
00100        4  SP    SP
00101        5  S     BELL
00110        6  I     8
00111        7  U     7
01000        8  CR    CR
01001        9  D     $
01010       10  R     4
01011       11  J     '
01100       12  N     ,
01101       13  F     !
01110       14  C     :
01111       15  K     (
10000       16  T     5
10001       17  Z     "
10010       18  L     )
10011       19  W     2
10100       20  H     #
10101       21  Y     6
10110       22  P     0
10111       23  Q     1
11000       24  O     9
11001       25  B     ?
11010       26  G     &
11011       27  FIGS  FIGS
11100       28  M     .
11101       29  X     /
11110       30  V     ;
11111       31  LTRS  LTRS

ASCII  American Standard Code for Information Interchange; see ITA-5 
BASIC Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BCST Broadcast 
cc:Mai E-Mail Program used to send messages via STU-III Secure Modem
DB25 25 pin connector usually conforming to RS-232 standards
DSA Data Set Adapter, a modified Line-Level-Converter
DTG Date Time Group
ELF Extremely Low Frequency Broadcast (OR-279)
EOM End Of Message, (2 Carraige Returns, 8 Line Feeds, 4 N's)
ITA-2 International Telegraph Alphabet number 2, comprising 5 data bits
ITA-5 International Telegraph Alphabet number 5, comprising 7 or 8 data bits
MDS Message Dissemination System, LAN version of MDU
MDU Message Dissemination Utility
MIL-188 Military standard where 0=Negative 3-6 VDC, 1=Positive 3-6 VDC (?)
M-T-V Message Traffic Viewer (by Les Logan)
OTCIXS Officer in Tactical Command Information Exchange Subsystem
RS-232 Civilian standard where 0=Positive 3-25 VDC, 1=Negative 3-25 VDC (?)
SSIXS Submarine Satellite Information Exchange Subsystem
TADIXS Tactical Data Information Exchange Subsystem
TTY Teletype; generally a AN/UGC-136AX or AN/UGC-136CX
VALLOR 50 Baud Submarine Teletype Broadcast (LF-HF), similiar to VERDIN.
VERDIN 50 Baud Submarine Teletype Broadcast (VLF)
ZBO List of precedences; {ref ACP-131}

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